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    Hệ thống Camera giám sát, quản lý an ninh bằng hình ảnh

    Costar DirectNET Technology allows a camera to easily connect to a XDi Series

    Network Video Recorder and automatically assign itself an IP address. The DirectNET cameras are part of the XDi Series product line and designed to self-confgure on the network and begin recording within minutes of installation. Unlike other self-confguring systems, Costar’s XDi system is targeted at enterprise level applications by delivering a complete solution that can support over 1,000 XDi recorders for a total of over 64,000 cameras. The XDi recorders have dual network capability which allows for separation between LAN and WAN connections. One network is designated for camera streaming and one network is used for end user access resulting in a single IP address. The XDi recorders are offered in a 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 channel models and are expandable up to 132 terabytes using additional eSATA storage.


    StarNET is a powerful Video Management System (VMS) for Costar DirectNET Technology that allows users to intuitively view live camera feeds and access specialized video tools such as event search, playback, video export, and more. StarNET was developed on the success of the popular iRAS platform. 

    The powerful processing capabilities of StarNET allows it to manage multiple video streams from both analog, HD-TVI, and IP cameras. The StarNET platforms allows for a decentralized management structure, which does not require a central point of access. StarNET allows you to access remote sites and monitor live video via a network connection anytime, anywhere. StarNET Mobile is available for iOS and Android devices.

    Hệ thống quản lý thân nhiệt bằng hình ảnh (Body Temperature Measurement Network Camera)

    System Overview:

    Featuring a fixed thermal lens, the Dual Vision camera series provides an all-in-one solution, specifically designed for calorimetric applications and temperature measurement as well as long distance video surveillance in outdoor applications. 

    Combined with Thermal technology software, the camera’s long range capabilities, are usable even during night time.


    Detection ability upto Spot: 20, Line: 2, Area: 16

    High accuracy

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